Thursday, January 12, 2012

Meg Cabot "The Princess Diaries. Take Two"

My eldest daughter's latest purchase! And of course I had to read it ;)

First and most importantly this is not a children's book in my humble opinion. Regardless of the lovely movie, this book is definitely for teenagers. There is lots of "sex" talk: french kissing, complaining of lack of "development in the chest" region, contraception, losing virginity etc. However, while there is lots of talk, it is about things not happening rather then things actually happening.

However, that aspect of it aside, the book is good. This is the second in the series and it follows on immediately from the first book. Mia is adjusting to life as a princess, being traumatised by her Royal grandmother, looking after her mother and coping with all the normal teenage angst of boys and bodies and school.

New dramas unfold as Mia obtains a secret admirer and has to deal with her mother dating her algebra teacher. Especially as algebra is the subject she does not like and needs tutoring in - by her best friend's "hot" older brother.

Written in a diary style, this book is a funny look at the dramas of being a teenage girl and goes to show being Royal doesn't solve everything, or anything really! Recommended for girls of 12+.


  1. I just adore the movies. Maybe I need to read the books now!

  2. Definitely! They had the same flavour, just with some extras. I can still hear Mia's voice in my head reading them. I was just very glad I read the first one before letting my 8 year old read it.
