This really says it all! I love to read. I am not actually convinced there has been a day in my life in the last 25ish years where I have not read at least one page of at least one book. Usually it is a more. I read on the train on the way to work, before I go to sleep. I sometimes slip in a few chapters before getting out of bed, in the ads if I am watching tv or if I am stuck waiting somewhere.
I read all sorts of books and I have been known to boast that I have at least one book from every genre. This might not actually be true. I guess it depends on what sort of genres you can come up with! This said, some genres I like more then others as I am sure will become apparent.
Just in case you don't believe me here are some of my bookshelves scattered around the house.
And yes I do mean some. These were just the ones that were easily accessible and didn't look too messy! Clearly I also like ornaments and photos.
So ... stay tuned for more posts and reviews on what I have just read (or in many cases re-read).
Love the pics. Heheh