Saturday, July 2, 2011

Sienna Mercer "My Sister the Vampire: Fangtastic"

This is a book my ten year old has had her eye on for a while. She was ecstatic when my 12 year old was given it for her birthday from one of my friends.

All three of us have read it now and all three of us have enjoyed it. It is the second book (I think it is the second one anyway) in a series of twin girls who were separated at birth at meet in high school. Ivy is a vampire and Olivia is human. They are firm friends and thrilled to have discovered each other but only one other person knows they are related. Their parents don't know. No-one at their school knows. And the secret community of vampires in the area don't know. Olivia is the only human to know about the existence of the vampire community. In this story, this quiet existence comes under threat when a ditzy reporter called Serena Star is determined to prove that vampires are living there!

"Fangtastic" has lots of references to the vampires we all know and love. Garlic, death by stake, coffins, sparkles (as being a distasteful thing! Sorry Twilight fans) and there is even an 'interview with a vampire'. A fun, age appropriate way for younger readers to join in on the vampire craze. Plus who doesn't love long lost twin sisters?! Recommended for 9 plus, although the story is more then appropriate for younger confident readers. We are looking forward to finding the rest of the series!

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